University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Battle of the brainiacs 2011

Serious brainpower and mountains of cool cash may not always go hand in hand, but if you are clever enough to sign up for this year’s 15 minutes of Brain contest that might be just what you end up having.

The Faculty of Life Sciences is once again inviting students to sign up for 15 minutes of Brain, a battle for glory and cool cash. BSc, MSc and PhD students from the Faculty of Life Sciences who have completed their thesis between 1 April 2010 and 1 October 2011 can sign up for the fierce and highly competitive contest.

Among the many applicants, the 9 brainiest candidates, 3 from each category, will be selected to have a go in front of a panel of judges made up of internal and external experts from the Faculty. The brainiacs will each be given 10 minutes to present their project in English. A winner from each category will be rewarded with the neat amount of DKK 10.000, sponsored by Chr. Hansen, DLBR, and Novo to be spent on a relevant academic purpose.

Feel like joining? Originality, innovation, application potential and a whole lot of science-loving-brain power are some of the qualities you need before you jump into the arena. 15 minutes of Brain will take place at 14.30,15 December in Auditorium 3-01, Faculty of Life Sciences. The brain bashing will end with a shared celebration at A-vej, to which all the contestants and audience are invited. Deadline for signing up for the contest is 1 October 2011.

Check out the official site here for more details.

The University Post will be there to report from the action.

In the meantime, check out this video from the 2009 competition:

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