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In our Lab and Library series, PhD students and Postdocs from the University of Copenhagen wrote in to share their stories about science and research. Here is an overview
Jens has just curated an interdisciplinary art-science exhibition in California that aims at overcoming mutual ignorance in our hyper-specialized society
Iben is taking up marine sediment from the depths off Greenland to find out what happened to the climate
Anja is in Kenya testing the tasty biscuits made out of dead crickets. Maybe it is time to start serving crickets instead of steaks at your next dinner party
PhD student Marcella is using advanced physics and cutting-edge technology to make better cement for dentists
Thousands of years ago a volcano somewhere in the world erupted. Now we can see its acid and dust in the ice with our radar equipment. Nanna is doing field work on the top of Greenland
Everybody worries about polar bears on Disko island in Greenland. But this year, Kristine's fieldwork was sabotaged by birds
Afton Halloran is researching the sustainability of cricket farming in Thailand
Karoline studies the use of the Danish language and how it has developed in the United States
PhD Student Casper shares his experiences of taking his family along for his fieldwork in rural Mexico