University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Board of Executives: Wait and see legal report

No independent inquiry into University's role in fraud claims: At least not until result of legal advisers' report is released in March

A petition with now 351 scientists’ signatures on it for an independent inquiry is not enough to sway the Board of Executives at the University of Copenhagen.

This is according to a press release from the University of Copenhagen board late Monday. The board will instead wait for the result of an inquiry into the Milena Penkowa case by the external legal advisers Kammeradvokaten, it says.

»When the account from Kammeradvokaten is forthcoming at the end of March, the board will make a decision on whether there have been mistakes in the administrative process,« says chairman of the Board, Nils Strandberg Pedersen.

Board ‘shares concerns of staff’

It is the second time the board has rejected a petition from scientists.

Board chairman Nils Strandberg Pedersen adds that after the legal advisors report, the board »will also evaluate whether these mistakes should have consequences, and whether there is anything in the University’s administrative procedures that should be changed in the future«.

In the press release, the board says that it »shares the concerns of staff and agrees that the Penkowa case should be investigated in depth«, but adds that there are already five separate inquiries in motion (see fact box to the right).

The key Kammeradvokaten inquiry will be made public, the Board says in the press release.

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