Nørregade 10
1165 København K
Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Seminar — CBioVikings - a society running career and education events for bioinformatics students and employees in Denmark, both locals and internationals. We are looking for new members, passionate to build the Danish bioinformatics environment together with us. Join us at General Assembly on the 27/10, 17:00.
Date & Time:
Hosted by:
To bioinformaticians and computational biologists of Denmark! We invite you to join our online GA2020.
We are CBioVikings – a society for you. We are running career and education events for bioinformatics students and employees in Denmark, both locals and internationals. We are looking for new members, passionate to build the Danish bioinformatics environment together with us.
We hope to see you if you have an interest in learning or communicating bioinformatics. If you’re interested in developing your skills in leadership and project management, we hope you will also join the board.
The event at Meetup – https://www.meetup.com/Copenhagen-Bioinformatics-Meetup/events/273979759/
The event at Fb – https://www.facebook.com/events/465586454415399/
We look forward to seeing you there!
Our General Assembly is a yearly event to recruit new members and assemble a new board of leaders.