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Conference — The deadline for submitting an abstract and signing up for this unique student conference has been extended to June 30. The conference, however, will take place in November at SLU, outside Stockholm. All you need to do now is submit an abstract. The best SCIENCE students will get all or some of the costs covered!
Date & Time:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, outside Stockholm) from November 15-16
Hosted by:
Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
As a SCIENCE student (BSc, MSc or 1-year PhD), you are encouraged to participate in the annual ELLS Scientific Student Conference. You will meet other students from the leading universities in the network Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS).
‘Managing Broad Environmental Interests for a Sustainable World’ is the theme for this year’s conference.
All you need to do now is submit your abstract (300 words) based on your own research (e.g. BSc/MSc/PhD Thesis or other projects). Your abstract will be reviewed by scientists who will select the best candidates to present their research at the conference.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, outside Stockholm) will host this unique conference from November 15-16.
And the surprise?
SCIENCE will finance travel expenses and/or accommodation for a number of participating SCIENCE students.
What’s in it for you?
Practice your presentation skills
Get useful feedback on your research
Make new friends in Europe
Boost your CV
And much more!
Deadline for submitting abstract
June 30
Find more information
Amir Susic, International Coordinator, Faculty of Science