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Seminar — On 6 October Dmitriy Traytel will host a DIKU Bits with the title "VeriMon - A Verified Monitoring Tool".
Date & Time:
Virtually via Zoom: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/64102775812
Hosted by:
Martin Lillholm (VILU), studielederne på DIKU samt Datalogisk Fagråd
Dmitriy Traytel, Associate Professor at the Software, Data, People & Society Section at DIKU.
In runtime verification, monitoring is the task of detecting whether a system execution adheres to given rules. Runtime monitors are used in safety- and security-critical applications, where errors are too costly to be tolerated. Their correctness is important and rarely obvious. VeriMon is a monitor whose correctness has been formally verified in the Isabelle proof asistant. I will talk about VeriMon’s evolution and demonstrate how it helped detect genuine errors in other unverified monitors.
DIKU Bits is an open and free lecture series hosted by Department of Computer Science (DIKU) targeted at bachelor students at DIKU and related areas – but open for everyone interested.