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1165 København K
Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Talk — On International Women’s Day - 8th of March, the Coordination for Gender Research and KU Lighthouse invite scholars and practioners to focus on gender and diversity in entrepreneurship and innovation.
Date & Time:
Lighthouse KUB Nord, Nørre Allé 49, 2200 København N
Hosted by:
Coordination for Gender Studies and Lighthouse UCPH
The Coordination for Gender Research celebrates International Women’s Day in collaboration with KU Lighthouse, the new innovation and entrepreneurship center at University of Copenhagen.
March 8th, 2024, will be featured with a morning seminar focusing on culture and masculinities in entrepreneurship and innovation. While women – and the so called “fix the women strategies” have taken center stage in recent debates and initiatives, the role of masculinity and the overall ethos or culture of entrepreneurship has been neglected. Both culture and masculinities often seem to be blind spots in current research and policy strategies of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Fresh evidence from various studies shows how combinations of masculinities, innovation and entrepreneurship create significant, but so far unacknowledged barriers, that will maintain the already existing bias.
A fresh analysis of the popular TV program the “Lion’s Den” shows how masculinity has particular relevance for the field of entrepreneurship and innovation. Currently often stereotyped in the ideas of the typical tech entrepreneur, who is growth oriented and risk taking.
Recent reports points to the fact, that under 2% of raised capital went to start ups headed by women. Both women and minority groups are underrepresented, and the components create barriers according to context and entrepreneurial culture.
We will ask:
What are the consequences of neglecting the needs, preferences, and behaviors of different groups not only for entrepreneurship as a vocation, but also for the final products, services, or policies?
This march 8th event addresses vital aspects of innovation culture and contributes to qualify the recent innovation strategy at University of Copenhage and in general. It provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to engage in a new and challenging dialogue and addresses how things could look different.
The program includes cutting edge/roundtables with leading Nordic and international scholars in the field. It will be concluded with a panel of entrepreneurs, experts and politicians who will address how knowledge production, educational and political interventions could be promoted and make change happen.
Preliminary program
09.00 – 09.20: Welcome by organizers and University of Copenhagen
09.20 – 10.15: Keynote presentations
Dag Balkmar (Örebro Universitet) Tracing the superheroes of our time: Contemporary and emergent masculinities in tech entrepreneurship.
Sebrina Steensgaard (Koordinationen for Kønsforskning, Københavns Universitet) The Lions Den. Popular culture as a driver for gender and diversity in Innovation and Entrepreneurshiop?
10.15 – 10.30: Coffee break
10.30 – 11.15: Round table discussion
Sine Linderstrøm, Danish Industry
Nanna Schultz, entreprenuer Momkind
Maria Shubhra Ovesen, Lighthouse University of Copenhagen
11.15 – 11.30: Q&A