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PhD thesis defense
PhD thesis defense — Gregor Luetzenburg 14 March
Date & Time:
Aud A, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Kbh K
Hosted by:
Geography Section
Gregor Luetzenburg defends his thesis,
Sedimentary Coastal Cliff Dynamics in Denmark and Greenland
Professor Aart Kroon, IGN
Assistant Professor Anders A. Bjørk, IGN
Assessment Committee:
Professor Kathelijne Wijnberg, University of Twente – The Netherlands
Associate Professor Maria Jensen, The University Centre in Svalbard – Norway
Professor Thorbjørn J. Andersen (chair), IGN
Coastal areas, where land meets the ocean, are important for people and the environment. The erosion of coastal cliffs is a natural process, but human activity and the effects of climate change have major implications on the dynamics of coastal change. In Denmark, human activity has a big impact on the coast, while in Greenland, the impact is smaller but the region is affected by climate change, which is happening faster in the Arctic. Coastal cliffs are not well studied compared to other coastal areas. In Denmark and Greenland, it is hard to understand why cliffs are eroding. This study looks at the dynamics of cliff erosion in Denmark and Greenland and how climate change is affecting this process. It also looks at landslides, which are a common cause of cliff erosion in Denmark. In Greenland, cliff erosion is caused by waves and rainfall and is expected to increase in the future due to more rainfall, storms, and less sea ice. The study also tested a new technology to measure cliff erosion accurately and quickly.
A digital version of the PhD thesis can be obtained from the PhD secretary Mikala Heckscher at mikala@ign.ku.dk