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Conference — Emerging technology in life science offers incredible opportunities and promising solutions to some of the most urgent challenges faced by humanity: climate change, environmental protection, growing population, renewable energy and improved health care. While scientific and technological progress has indeed been remarkable, the emerging applications raise outstanding ethical, legal and social questions.
Date & Time:
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Southern Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Hosted by:
Copenhagen Biotech & Pharma Forum at the Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR) Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
Time: 20 November 2017, 09:00-16:00
Place: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Southern Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.
Conference Theme:
Emerging technology in life science offers incredible opportunities and promising solutions to some of the most urgent challenges faced by humanity: climate change, environmental protection, growing population, renewable energy and improved health care. While scientific and technological progress has indeed been remarkable, the emerging applications raise outstanding ethical, legal and social questions.
This conference marks the final phase of the participation of the Copenhagen Biotech and Pharma Forum (CBPF) Research Group at the Centre for Information and Innovation Law (CIIR) in the cross-faculty research project BioSYNergy. In accordance with the goals of this large cross-faculty project on Synthetic Biology, the event explores legal perspectives on synthetic biology, systems biology and gene editing. Dealing with the legal responses to ethical and scientific challenges raised by emerging life science technology.