University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Sustainable Maintenance of Urban Areas


Conference — Bæredygtighedsbegrebet vinder indpas i forvaltningen af de urbane områder; men hvad forstås egentlig ved bæredygtig drift? Vi forsøger gennem indlæg at give et bud på de sociale, miljømæssige og økonomiske aspekter af en bæredygtig drift, og vi præsenterer konkrete eksempler på, hvad du kan arbejde videre med.


Date & Time:

At the Forest and Landscape College (Skovskolen) in Nødebo, Nødebovej 77A, 3480 Fredensborg

Hosted by:
Skovskolen, Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet

DKK 1.750,00


UN’s global goals for sustainable development also
focus on urban green areas, including how they are
managed and maintained. More and more administrations
are actively working with sustainability

But what is sustainable maintenance of urban green
areas, and how can sustainability be assessed from a
biological, economic and social perspective? This is
what we are trying to focus on. The seminar is part of
af EU-Erasmus workshop and it will be held in English.
