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Seminar — You are cordially invited by the University of Copenhagen and Lund University to a one day seminar on the Value Added Tax (VAT) treatment of the financial sector. The VAT treatment of the financial sector is a continuously difficult area.
Date & Time:
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Southern Campus, Alf Ross Auditorium, 3rd floor, room 9A-3-01, Njalsgade 76, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Hosted by:
FIRE – Fiscal Relations Research Group, Faculty of Law, the University of Copenhagen and the Department of Business Law, Lund University School of Economics and Management
In 2016, the European Commission redraw its 2007-proposals for a reform of the VAT treatment that was the subject of fruitless discussion in the Council for ten years. It is time to look again, with fresh eyes, on what can and should be done in terms of reforming the treatment.
The seminar is organized jointly by FIRE – Fiscal Relations Research Group, Faculty of Law, the University of Copenhagen and the Department of Business Law, Lund University School of Economics and Management. The seminar is part of the European Academic Network of VAT (EANOVAT).