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Other — Join the Øresund Aquarium on a boat safari and look for the great Atlantic tuna!
Date & Time:
Strandpromenaden 5
3000 Helsingør
Hosted by:
410 Danish Kr
The tuna jumps in Øresund again and we sail out and see if we can find it – do you want to come?
The Øresund Aquarium’s big RIB boat departs from Elsinore. We look for the Atlantic tuna that has returned to Øresund after many years’ absence while Jens Peder Jeppesen – Head of the Øresund Aquarium – tells about the tuna and its history in Øresund.
While we cannot guarantee that we see tuna, we gurantee a great sailing experience with good stories about the tuna – and probably also views of Denmark’s small whale, the harbour porpoise, which thrives in Øresund.