University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Former Copenhagen student makes it to prestigious TED talks

Dutch innovator and Copenhagen graduate has made it on to the global speaking stage: After winning the Dutch nationals she will now be on the global TED talks network

A former student of the University of Copenhagen has made it through a tough selection process and will get to hold an inspiring talk on the popular global speaking network TED talks.

TED talks is a global set of conferences under the slogan ‘ideas worth spreading’ and is immensely popular on the internet.

Maya Lievegoed, a Dutch media student from the University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University has now won the national TED talent stage competition in the Netherlands, and will get to speak at the TED event 17 April in Utrecht.

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To the University Post she says that there will be 900 people in the live audience at the Utrecht event. But the audience on TED talks of course can count to millions.

She has written a featured comment for the University Post which explains her concept.

She relates her own experiences from entering the job market after graduation, to show that everyone can contribute with a unique personal value that is often unrecognised.

As she says in the comment: “Throughout this exciting year, I have seen how we ourselves can often choose the rules of the game. I have experienced that I can take a risk without being naïve and that there is a big difference between following the crowd and taking the lead. In my perspective, we need to dedicate time to identify our own personal value and explore how to build with that value.”

Another Maya Lievegoed video is here:
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