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Voters turned down the humourous suggestions, but also the blandest of bland options
KUnet is to be the name of the new intranet.
This is according to the University of Copenhagen intranet-project team, communication and IT department in an e-mail circular.
1,661 voted for KUnet, while only 480 voted for the racier option KUntra, which names the IT system with an English-language term of abuse.
See why the ‘Intranet is not for the prudish,’ here
‘Agora’ got 1,095, ‘PUNKT KU’, the name of the current system, got 845 votes while the – full points for originality here – ‘Intranet’ got 180.
Almost 80 people originally suggested the winning name. Visit
here for the names of the winners and their prizes.
»We received a total of 1,889 suggestions – some more entertaining than others – including Yggdrasil, KUline, KUrt, Inside and iKU, just to name a few. An independent jury narrowed the many name suggestions down to five finalists that competed in an open vote. A total of 4,261 people clicked in to cast a vote for their favourite,« the project group writes.
Read more about the new KUnet, here, where you can also watch the first episode of a trilogy about KUnet’s ancient and mysterious origin, with a starring role by a puppet that looks like Rector Ralf Hemmingsen.
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