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Photo essay — The University Post spoke with three students who all live with a chronic illness. These are their stories
Birk studies economics and has Crohn’s disease
“My condition hasn’t been that much of a problem for me at university. I’ve been able to schedule my hospital appointments around my classes, so I don’t miss the same one twice in a row. In that respect, Crohn’s hasn’t given me too much more trouble with my studies than my allergies have.” (Crohn’s disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. – UK National Health Service).
Louise studies literature and has rheumatoid arthritis
“I often get the impression that people generally don’t know what rheumatoid arthritis is. For example, most people don’t know that two of the most common symptoms are an inability to concentrate and fatigue.”
(Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. The symptoms usually affect the hands, feet and wrists. – UK National Health Service)
Kristian studies law and has a bone disease
“If you have a disability, you get put into ‘section 1’ for all your classes. Section 1 always gets scheduled for lecture halls and classrooms that are accessible to people with disabilities. That’s a big help. Depending on the lecture hall, I sometimes need to get there 15 minutes early if I want to be sure there is room for my wheelchair.”