University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Thousands to march against education cuts

Students will try to get politicians inside parliament to think again and cancel the planned cutbacks in education

The idea is that politicians and decision makers will think again, stop the planned education budget cuts, and instead raise the quality of education and invest in the future.

The demonstration Thursday 29 October is organized by The Education Alliance (‘Uddannelsesalliancen’), an initiative formed by over 30 student unions and academic organizations. It is a response to the recent proposition made by the Danish government to cut DKK 8.7 billion from education programmes over the next four years. These cuts will affect higher education and upper secondary education in Denmark. At time of writing, 9,300 have signed up for the event, and more are expected-

”We want the government to take back the cuts in education, but we know this won’t happen right away. We hope this demonstration will be a way of organizing people and that this campaign will continue after the demonstration. We want to make constant pressure so that the government stops the big cuts related to education in the future”, says Veronika Schultz, a representative from The Education Alliance to the University Post

Will march to parliament

The recent Danish cutbacks are in line with others through many European countries.

”What we have heard until now from teachers and principals is that teachers will be fired, there will be less classes, less feedback. A lot of consequences, which all would damage the quality of all our educational systems seriously”, it says in the manifesto.

The demonstration will start in front of the city hall at Rådhuspladsen 16.00. There will be speeches by student and teacher organizations, as well as unions and NGOs. Later, students will march to Christiansborg, where the Danish parliament is located.

Find out more and sign up for the event here.

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