University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


290 PhD students want Penkowa re-examined

The University of Copenhagen’s Board of Executives has now received 290 new signatures from PhD students supporting the call for an independent Penkowa inquest

The University’s legal advisors, ‘Kammeradvokaten’, released the long-awaited report on the Penkowa case on 22 March.

Since then, 494 researchers from the University of Copenhagen have signed petitions calling for a new, independent Penkowa inquest.

290 signatures were added to this number yesterday, 28 April, when the University Board of Executives received a new petition.

In an accompanying press release, the 290 PhD students write that they support the existing call for an independent inquest of the Penkowa case, including management’s handling of it.

Wish to restore credibility

The PhD students write that the ‘Kammeradvokaten’ was neither impartial, nor academically competent to address all aspects of the case.

»We, as future researchers with a PhD degree from the University of Copenhagen, wish to restore the University’s credibility, nationally as well as internationally,« they write.

»This credibility is highly threatened right now, but it can be saved through an independent inquest of the Penkowa case,« they finish the letter.

A few hours after receiving the petition, the board responded with a press release promising new initiatives to make sure that the career of the affected PhD students will not be damaged by Milena Penkowa’s fraud.

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