University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Best expert tips to study smarter

New video tutorials give students techniques for more effective studying

Got bogged down in the hundreds of pages of text? Try turning on the computer, set the alarm clock for seven minutes, and write the answers to the following: What did I find the hardest in the text for today?

The above is a technique preparing for speed notes, one of many tricks and tips now available to help new students. Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen has just released twelve online tutorials in various study techniques.

Starting a university course can be overwhelming. Huge textbooks, an enormous pensum, seminars and lectures.

The online video clips, which are in Danish with English subtitles, cover subjects such as What is rewarded at the university, Intensive reading and Tackling your first assignments.

Test reading speed

As well as video tutorials, there are also pamphlets containing study advice, and links to websites that can assess students’ reading speed.

The tutorials and pamphlets are aimed at social science students enrolled in bachelor degree programmes in Denmark, although the advice offered in the tutorials will be useful to most students.

See the Social Science’s study techniques website here.

The tutorials are a result of a cooperation between the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark.

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