University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Climate deal in danger, says UK foreign minister

University of Copenhagen the packed venue of foreign ministers’ climate gathering

The time for smooth talk is over. This is according to David Miliband UK foreign minister, who together with four other foreign ministers debated in front of nearly 200 students, staff and community members crowded in to Ceremonial Hall Thursday.

»We’re not here to say everything is going so well that we don’t have to worry,« he said.

»This deal that we believe in is in danger. It needs a new mobility,« he added.

The European Union should act fast and unite when pushing forward a climate change plan, the UK minister said.

Most of Thursday’s event focused on the need for global dialogue about climate change in less than 100 days before COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The conference, which will be held at Bella Center in Copenhagen in December, is expected to involve agreement on a climate change mitigation framework for beyond 2012.

Climate is also about money and security

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt spoke about the needs of developing countries, with those in Africa being most hardly hit by climate change. Without a deal in Copenhagen global security issues can develop, he said, making the most “fragile” areas of the world a focus.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Koucher echoed Bildt’s thoughts, adding that “a fight for climate change is a fight for development.” Copenhagen is just the start, said Kouchner, with the importance of the agreement being to continue to follow it for many years.

Alexander Stubb, Finland’s Foreign Minister, said that December’s conference will be about three things: the environment, money, and security. If these issues aren’t addressed, he said, climate change could cause worldwide conflicts over resources, burden sharing, natural disasters and immigration.
