University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Coming up: Results of 1st round in law contest

All eyes are focussed on competition webpage, as results of the 1st round of the negotiating game Copenhagen Competition are to be announced »before lunchtime«

Copenhagen Competition is an international negotiation competition for law students. The competition is by invitation only and invited universities will compete in a written round to qualify for the oral negotiations in Copenhagen, 13-15 October 2010.

The first edition of the Copenhagen Competition was launched in 2009 in the run-up to the COP15 and was held on the climate change topic. The second edition in 2010 is on Access to Medicines, and the third edition in 2011 will be on the EU enlargement.

Tension mounts

The universities that are selected for the oral round will be announced Danish local time »before lunchtime«, the competition webpage writes.

Louise Hilton, one of the Copenhagen team members, says that she and her fellow team members are nervous about the outcome.

»We were promised that we would know something 1 August, but then we heard that one of the referees was ill«, she says.
