University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Coming up: Student Council ´happening´

Just released Rector's proposal angers student council at the University of Copenhagen. Students plan a ´happening´ at 12:00, at the Rector's office. Have already visited the Minister of Science and Education this morning

Statements by the Danish college of rectors (Rektorkollegiet) says that faster Danish students should be rewarded – and slower students penalised – on their student grants,has angered this University’s student council.

Chairman of the Student Council Gwen Gruner-Widding says to the University Post that they are planning a happening at Rector Ralf Hemmingsen’s office (in the Lindegaarden on Central Campus, …ed.) at 12:00.

She text messaged to the University Post that »the happening is to show our contempt for the statements from the rector’s assembly«.

Student chairman: Will tell Rector

To the University Post Gwen Gruner-Widding elaborates:

»We are going to bring our lunchboxes to make the statement that even though you get the SU, you are still not rich as a student.«

We hope that he will be present, and that he will be willing to talk to us. We are going to tell him exactly what we think about the new proposal«.

Minister: We need to save

Minister of Science and Education Morten Østergaard has announced DKK 2bn cutbacks to the student grants system. The Student Council paid the Minister a visit this morning Monday, showing up at his offices, Gwen Gruner-Widding says to the University Post. They reminded him of his party’s election promises.

»It went really well. The students sang a well known Danish lovesong called ‘glemmer du saa husker jeg’, emphazing the part that says: If you forget, I will remember«.

When confronted with the students’ questions about the new proposal on taking away the 6th year of SU, the Minister said it was due to the financial crisis, Gruner-Widding says.

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