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Student Council calls on students to protest government cutbacks at Frue Plads today Tuesday
They’re all ready – the slogans, the banners, the round signs with the angry smiley’s.
Tuesday 8 June at 15.30, the Student Council wants students to demonstrate against the highly controversial austerity plan, the so-called recovery plan, from the Danish government.
«There is not much recovery in that plan. You could call it destruction, a bloodbath or a massacre. This recovery package will have unbelievable consequences for the University of Copenhagen and for our education programmes. We are facing a future with employees getting fired, less education and bigger classes,« says vice president of the Student Council Bjarke Rubow.
Both the University Post and its Danish section Universitetsavisen will be delivering live updates and photo reports from the event.
There are four pre-demonstrations at the University of Copenhagen:
For those from the Faculty of the Social Sciences, it starts at CSS at 14.30.
Specifically for the Department of Geography and Geology, it will start at Geocenter at 14.30, walking to Frue Plads at 15.00.
The Department of Biology are meeting at Biobar, Sølvtorvet at 14:00, walking at 15:00.
The Faculty of Life Sciences starts by the lawn in front of the Festauditoriet, bicycling towards Frue Plads at 15.00.
The Student Council has spent the last week encouraging demonstrators and garnering support around the different faculties. In total 7,000 flyers have been given out last week.
At the time of writing, the Facebook event
Demonstration mod besparelser på vores uddannelser – 8. Juni has 750 attendees, but Rubow says it is not yet clear how many will show up.
The demonstrators call for more and better education to help Denmark recover from the economic crisis. The solution to the crisis is not cutbacks:
»The recovery plan is not yet ratified, and we expect to influence politicians and remove the budget cuts in total, or at least reduce them. In any circumstances we will certainly have a massive demonstration to show that there is a movement against the government’s recovery plan,« Bjarke Rubow remarks.
After the events at Frue Plads, participant will walk to a larger anti-austerity package demonstration at Christiansborg Slotsplads.