University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Comment: Copenhagen should send relay team

Call for action: Gijs Stevers from Holland blows the trumpet for Copenhagen, and asks for a running team

Do the Danish Vikings dare face up to the Dutch Batavians? Maybe, or maybe not.

Every year 8,000 students participate in one of the worlds largest running-relay events, the ‘Batavierenrace’. It is named after a west-Germanic tribe, the Batavians, and teams consisting of 25 runners compete over a distance of 185km.

Next year’s edition will be held on 24 April and will start at midnight. The route covers the length between the university campus of Nijmegen and the university campus of Enschede, two cities in the Netherlands. The race is a tradition a bit like the world-famous boat race in England, but in this case not between Oxford and Cambridge but between 13 Dutch universities. There are international teams participating as well though.

After the race everybody camps on the grounds of Enschede University and Europe’s biggest student party kicks off!

For more information and video’s of the race please visit here.

Make this happen

During my first few weeks in Denmark I noticed that the Danes are really crazy about staying fit (and drinking).

I have organized a team in the Batavierenrace twice before, and I think it would be great to have a Danish team participating in the next edition. As this requires an organizing team, runners, and sponsors I would like to look for these via this comment.

In other words: would you like to participate in this event (and make a ca. 4 day trip to the Netherlands), would you like to help me organize this or sponsor a Danish team in this event? Please send an e-mail to

Sporting Regards,
Gijs Stevers
