University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Copenhagen rector warns of lost generation

Rector of University of Copenhagen outlines differences to UK and US in key international interview

Rector Ralf Hemmingsen warns against Denmark losing its own generation of students in a blog linked to his interview in the international periodical AngloHigher.

»In the newspaper Guardian you can read how universities celebrate higher enrolment, but still are sorry to reject many applicants. The article even talks about a ‘lost generation of students’,« he says.

»Even though there are large differences between British and Danish universities, they face the same challenges,« he writes.

The Guardian notes that for this semester, there is a record-high number of student admissions in the UK.

Remember the lost generation

This is a good thing, but the concern in the Guardian article is the global trend of budget cuts at universities.

In his blog, he says that with the increasing number of applicants to universities, quality is still up for debate for those lucky enough to be enrolled.

Quality does not exclude quantity

In this sense, Hemmingsen thinks that education quality is just as important as »quantity-talk«.
