University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Dean: Merger of mathematics and computer science

Faculty of Science proposes joining mathematics and computer science so it is one department. Dean presented his plan on Tuesday, students and staff have until 20 October to discuss

The Dean of the Faculty of Science John Renner Hansen wants to merge the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and the Department of Computer Science, DIKU, so that they are one department for 1 January 2015.

This is according to sources at the presentation yesterday, and the Danish-language university news site

On Monday afternoon, staff and students were briefed about the plan in the form of an e-mail. The heads of department were briefed about it Monday as well.

Companies want maths/computers graduates

According to John Renner Hansen, the two departments’ students are not finishing their studies on time, and this costs UCPH money.

“We have some big challenges, and small environments find it harder to manage these challenges,” the Dean said.

He said that companies today want graduates that are competent in the area bordering between maths and computer science. A merger will help the Faculty exploit it’s present classrooms and rooms more efficiently.

To discuss before 20 October

Staff and students now have until 20 October to discuss the plan before Rector and the Board of the University make a final decision.

The questions from the floor were almost solely critical of the plan, according to Uniavisen.

See the story with more quotes from affected staff in their Danish-language article here.

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