University Post
University of Copenhagen
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DKK 200m jackpot to new international school

Good news for the scientists, students and staff who are also mums and dads: Top English-language school gets a massive boost from shipping and oil giant A.P. Møller's fund

The majority shareholder of shipping and oil giant A.P. Møller-Maersk (APM), has donated DKK200m to a new international school to be built in Nordhavn, the North Copenhagen harbour. This is according to and

The A.P. Møller and Chastine McKinney Møller Foundation has awarded the money to Copenhagen International School (CIS), which over the past few years has been forced to rent an old high-school property in Østerbro due to a lack of space at the original Hellerup location.

Will attract scientists

A spokesman for CIS says that: »we currently have 800 pupils and are approaching our limit of 900 so we’re overjoyed at the size of this donation which brings us closer to our dream of a major, new international school.«

Mayor of Copenhagen Frank Jensen welcomed the news, saying international schools play a decisive role in companies’ efforts to attract international and specialised manpower:

»There’s no doubt that this will boost growth. Denmark’s inability to attract ‘the best and the brightest’ has stunted growth and a number of surveys have consistently stressed the need for increased capacity at international schools.«

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