University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Eat-in event drew a carrot-loving crowd

Student get-together attempted to show what organic 'slow food' is all about

Eating is not just eating. This is certainly according to the organisers of Terra Madre, an annual celebration of local and sustainable food production created by the Slow Food movement.

On December 10, activist students at the Faculty of Life Science held a feast to celebrate it.

The Eat-in was arranged by two German Erasmus students, Manuel Hilscher and Dusha Manoharan, at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

See our photo story from the event here.

Important to reconnect

The aim of the event was to change the way students look at their food, by making the eating of each others food an event in itself, according to the organisers.

Students brought homemade dishes to share with their fellow students. The organizers of the event made a vegetable soup from donated organic vegetables and supplied a plethora of bread to everyone.

A Danish biodynamic farmer spoke about the importance of reconnecting back to the food system and promoting sustainable food systems.

Read article: Activists to protest bad food canteens

No to disposable plates

Manuel Hilscher also encouraged students to question the food choices at the university canteen.

»Our first impression is that it is even worse than our canteen in Hohenheim. So many plastic utensils and disposable plates! It’s wasteful. We try to avoid the food,« said Manuel Hilscher and Dusha Manoharan in an earlier interview with the University Post.

They refuse to eat in their ‘Gimle’ canteen at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

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