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DANISH NEWS - New government initiatives aim at reducing bureaucratic hurdles to make it easier for Danish companies to hire international talent
The government is taking steps to make life easier for Danish companies looking to hire highly-qualified foreigners, report seven59.dk and other media.
Employment Minister Mette Frederiksen and Tax Minister Morten Østergaard will publish a raft of initiatives, Thursday, aimed at reducing the mountain of regulations that make it extremely difficult for companies to attract skilled immigrants from the USA and India.
Ms Frederiksen told Berlingske that the government is ‘acutely aware’ that Denmark needs to attract the ‘brightest and the best’ so companies can keep creating jobs.
One of the main initiatives is providing skilled immigrants with a CPR (Central Registration) number before they leave their native country so they are able to start work the moment they arrive in Denmark.
A spokesman for the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) welcomed the prospect of less ‘red-tape’.
”Attracting international talent is a decisive factor for Denmark and something we need to improve on in if we have any hopes of competing with other countries for the best manpower”, he said.
Read the original article in Danish on Business.dk.
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