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No financial support keeps students reliant on family networks. Many are forced to drop out or quit the country, explains Greek sociology student
The Greek economic crisis has not only affected universities’ administration and staff, but in an indirect way, many of the students as well.
Before the new Greek semester started this week, the University Post was in Greece to monitor the situation.
Katerina Lamprakopoulou, a Greek Master’s student in sociology and political science at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, explained how the situation is now, some months after the introduction of new austerity measures in Greek universities.
Read article about Greek university administrators’ working without pay here.
»I have not seen any direct changes after the new regulations have been introduced. And this is because the Greek universities were always in a bad condition,« Katerina says with characteristic Greek understatement.
She later continues »the problem now is that the priorities of the students have changed. And that is where I can see a difference after the economic crisis. «
»The state does not provide any financial support and, therefore, many students choose to study in universities that are close to their home town. In that way they can live with their family and reduce their expenses, even if they have to study something that they don’t really like, « she continues.
»One solution is to drop school and find a job. Now it is more important to find a job and make some money, then continue studying with a master or a PhD,« she explains.
Other students opt to study abroad.
»Most of the people that I know want to pursue further studies in other universities where they can get a grant for their studies. In Greece if you do a PhD you have to do it for free.«
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