University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Here are the oldest and youngest students at UCPH

Admissions — Flower of youth or prime of life? There are large age differences among the batches of students starting in September at UCPH.

12 years. This is the difference between the average age of new students in Molecular Biomedicine and the average age of new students in Italian Language and Culture.

While the youths of molecular biomedicine are an average of 20.8 years of age at the start of their studies, you are an average of 32.9 years of age when you embark on the linguistic journey of studying Italian. The two study programmes occupy the extremes on a table of the youngest and oldest studies at UCPH. It was the same study programmes that had the two positions last year. Here the new students enrolled at Molecular Biomedicine had an average age of 20.6 years, while the students of Italian Language and Culture had 33.7 years of age.

The average age of all UCPH students, however, has not changed much since last year, where the average age was 22.8. This year it is 22.9.

Older students apply to the humanities

A top 10 list of the study programmes with the highest age average shows that all the programmes are on South Campus. Nine of the subjects belong to the Faculty of Humanities, while the last, theology, is in the Faculty of Theology.

It is the language and culture programmes, in particular, that have a relatively older student population. Almost half of the oldest-average-age study programmes belong to the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, which has an average age of 25.4 years of age. This is considerably higher than the UCPH average of 22.9 years.

Quick starts and high grade point averages

A closer look at the top 10 list of the youngest-average-age study programmes reveal a list dominated by the Faculty of Science. Here, none of the new student averages surpassed 22 years.

At the same time, the list shows a correlation between high required grade point averages and low average ages. Medicine, Political Science, Actuarial Mathematics and Molecular Biomedicine are among the ‘young’ studies where the required grade point average is above 11.

This could be due to the so-called ‘study programme start bonus’, where students seeking admission within two years after upper secondary school can multiply their grade-point average with a factor of 1.08.

The lists: Here are the oldest and youngest students at UCPH

Top 10 of the oldest-on-average study programmes

  1. Italian Language and Culture – 32.9 years of age
  2. Native American Languages and Culture – 32.5
  3. Theology – 31.6
  4. Ancient Greek – 31,2
  5. Portuguese and Brazilian studies – 30.8
  6. Eastern European Studies – 27.7
  7. French Language and Culture – 27.3
  8. Prehistoric archaeology – 26.6
  9. Classical Archaeology – 26.1
  10. Middle Eastern Languages and Society – 25.8


Top 10 of the youngest-on-average study programmes

  1. Molecular Biomedicine – 20.8
  2. Actuarial Mathematics – 20.9
  3. Economics – 21.2
  4. Political Science: – 21.3
  5. Biochemistry – 21.4
  6. Pharmacy – 21.5
  7. Medicine – 21.6
  8. Animal Sciences – 21.6
  9. Mathematical–economics – 21.7
  10. Biology-biotechnology – 21.8
  11. Physics subjects – 21.8
