University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Koldau resigns as new info emerges

Critical music professor at Aarhus University resigns. 'Enough is enough' she tells Danish media

New material reveals that a secret meeting was held in August 2011 between music professors, the head of Aesthetic Studies and the Dean of the Arts Faculty at Aarhus University. The meeting was about Linda Marie Koldau. However, she was neither invited, nor told about it, she says to media.

Linda Maria Koldau, a top German musicologist, has been the centre of harsh reciprocal accusations between Aarhus University and herself. Read our earlier coverage of the scandal here.

At the secret August meeting, the professors complained of a strained collaboration with Koldau. As a result, an investigation in to the relationsship between Koldau and the music professors at Aarhus University was started, which resulted in a written warning with what she called humiliating demands on her. Koldau first found out about this meeting in a recent report by the Aarhus University Ombudsman. In an e-mail to Danish newspaper Politiken Linda Marie Koldau says »the University has lost all credibility in my case after that secret meeting on 19 august 2011«.

‘Enough is enough’

Linda Marie Koldau recently met with the Head of Aesthetic Studies, Niels Lehmann, at a meeting Wednesday March 21 2012 to try and restore the collaboration. However, according to the e-mail she sent to Politiken, the »meeting only consisted of further humiliations«.

Koldau continues: »All with the the aim ‘to restore the good collaboration’. Which is almost a pure farce, when you finally know about the secret meeting in August«.

Now Linda Marie Koldau has chosen to resign. »Enough is enough« Koldau explains in the e-mail to Politiken.


Sociology professor at University of Copenhagen, Heine Andersen, tells Danish newspaper Information that he understands Koldau’s choice to resign.

»It is also regrettable that the reasons (behind the resignation, ed.) might not be fully investigated. Whether management acted within the framework of good governance – formally and informally«.

Linda Koldau will first resign in January 2013 in order to finish work and guidance of her students, she tells another paper, Information.

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