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LIFE student and just finished your project? Square yourself up to other Life Science brainiacs at the 15 Minutes of Brain
The junior research café ‘Juniorforskercafé’ at The Faculty of Life Sciences is hosting the so-called 15 Minutes of Brain this year. On 20 November fifteen contestants will compete, brain to brain, for three prizes of DKK 10,000.
To be able to participate, you have to be a student at LIFE and have an approved Ph.D. or MSc theses, or BSc project from the period between October 1st 2008 and October 1st 2009.
From those that register, five Ph.D. theses, five MSc theses and five BSc projects will be selected to participate in the 15 Minutes of Brain competition.
Each of the fifteen contestants will have ten minutes to present their projects, in English, to a panel of judges. The winners will receive one of three cash prizes of DKK 10,000 donated by Novo Nordisk and Chr. Hansen.
The cash prize must be used in an academically relevant context, and there are also smaller prizes for the remaining contestants.
15 Minutes of Brain takes place on 20 November from 14.00 – The University Post will of course be there to cover it.
The deadline for registering is 15 October. You can register by completing the form here.