University Post
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Malmö and Copenhagen link up for Strindberg play

English-language theatre groups in twin cities join forces to celebrate Swedish playwright and novelist

It is just over 100 years since August Strindberg, Swedish playwright and novelist died. To commemorate this, two English-language theatre groups in Malmö, Sweden and Copenhagen are jointly playing two of his ‘chamber plays’.

The International Theatre of Malmö (ITM), and the Copenhagen Theatre Circle have in recent years both offered acclaimed English-language theatre to their audiences. And they both say they are great places for newcomers to meet like-minded souls who love taking an active role in theatre productions.

‘The Stronger’ and ‘Simoom’

The Stronger, one of Strindberg’s most famous plays, is an intriguing ‘conversation’ between two actresses in a Swedish café that could take place today.

Simoom is a rarely performed, but fascinating, piece about a deadly battle of wills between a French legionnaire and an Arab woman in the Algerian desert.

We have a set of tickets for the first people who answer the following question. Who was the Swedish scientist and mystic who influenced Strindberg after a psychotic episode in the 1890s?

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(This competition has now ended and the winners have been informed)

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