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Researchers have limited networks within the university. A new series of lunches to help out
‘How developing economies can take off’. The title of one of a series of lunches for those researchers who are working on development themes at the University of Copenhagen.
The University of Copenhagen hosts a lot of development research. But while the University has a number of internationally recognised research groups that form parts of wide-spread international networks, many of the University’s development researchers have limited networks within the University itself.
“This is unfortunate because such networks may lead to highly relevant inter-disciplinary research – and because, in many instances, inter-disciplinarity is essential for success in applications for external funding,” write organisers in the invitation.
The new group, called the University’s Working Group for Development (WG-Development) will focus on younger researchers in the development field so they can do networking. But older researchers are also welcome, they say.
Every lunch will be preceded by a general presentation followed by a short break before we continue to a sandwich lunch sponsored by WG-Development.
‘Even if you are unable to attend the presentation/discussion, you are very welcome to attend the lunch,’ the organisers say.
See more details in the fact box right.
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