University Post
University of Copenhagen
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No more WiFi 'not-spots' at KUA

Years of student and staff frustration with dodgy wireless internet at KUA should now be over. One million DKK has been invested in improving WiFi access at KUA1 in the autumn

Students and staff, rejoice! In autumn 2013 millions of DKK were invested in sorting out the poor WiFi conditions at KUA1, and the implementation of the new equipment was finished in December.

“We have installed hundreds of new WiFi access points, so I expect that students and staff will no longer have any of the problems they experienced previously,” says Jakob Jørgensen, Head of IT at the Faculty of Humanities.

»We have increased KUA1’s network capacity considerably, so its up-to-date with current demand,” he says.

Hot spots and not spots

This is great news for both staff and students, who have complained about the shoddy WiFi access for years.

Read: Useless WiFi angers students at KUA

“I have been giving lectures and been unable to get a signal. Then, taking a couple of steps to the side, I’ve been lucky enough to get a connection, only to lose it the moment I moved,” says Nalle Kirkvåg, former lecturer at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication.

Student: ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’

Nalle Kirkvåg has had to borrow a connection via his students’ phones in order not to fall into KUAs wireless “not-spots”, as he calls them. Furthermore, he has had to routinely check rooms for WiFi before giving classes.

As Jacob Jørgensen says, hopefully those days are over.

“I’m really looking forward to standing in classroom that used to have no connection at all, and seeing that it works. But I’ve got to see it, before I’ll believe it,” says Jonas Lomholdt, who studies Communication and IT. or

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