University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Obama climate adviser to Copenhagen

US scientist and environmentalist, Jane Lubchenco, is one of Barack Obama’s closest advisers. She will lecture at the University of Copenhagen Friday

Friday 13 November is a chance to have some light shed on Barack Obama’s climate strategy, if not straight from the horse’s mouth, then pretty close to it.

The 61-year-old Professor in Marine Ecology and renowned environmentalist, Jane Lubchenco, is among the experts in the American President’s inner circle, advising him on the American climate strategy. Lubcencho gives the 21st instalment of U of C’s Climate Lectures tomorrow Friday.

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It is possible that Barack Obama might not come to UN climate change conference, COP15, in Copenhagen next month, and that he for that reason can be criticised for not taking climate change seriously. It is, however, certain that when it comes to the environment, he surrounds himself with talented people.

Jane Lubchenco’s academic merits are honoured in Denmark, when she at the annual Commemoration this Thursday afternoon receives an honorary doctorate at the University of Copenhagen (U of C), as nominated by Professor and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Science, Katherine Richardson.

Role model

Richardson, herself a marine ecologist, says that »Jane Lubchenco through her research and communication based on the research has evolved to be a role model for younger scientists and that she very early in her career has contributed to the development of a scientific concept of sustainable development and defence of the biodiversity.«

This year Barack Obama chose Lubchenco as the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an organisation with approximately 13,000 employees, surveying the environment and climate of the sea and the atmosphere.

Time and place: 13 November 11.00 to 12.30 at Udvalgsværelse 3, the Communication Building, University of Copenhagen, Nørregade 10, 1017 Copenhagen K.

The lecture will end with a small reception hosted by the University of Copenhagen.
