University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Party Watch: CSS revelry

The annual CSS 'Year Party' is something many students yearn for all winter. All that’s left to do now is gossip about what happened in the cellars of CSS. And browse the pictures

The University Post sent a photographer and reporter to capture the best party animals of the evening at CSS, central campus Saturday night. The dress code of the merrymaking was ‘Colours’. All departments taking part in the fun wore a specific theme colour.

Take a look at the daring sociology students dressed in green, the sexy psychologists in black, political scientists in bright red, masked public health scientists in yellow, hot caseworkers in purple, and anthropologists dressed as gigantic blue smurfs.

Check out the University Post’s very first ‘Party Watch’ from CSS right here Party Watch: CSS Year Party ’12.

Welcome to ‘Party Watch’, a new series of galleries featuring the party animals of the University of Copenhagen.

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