University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Photo competition: The deadline approaches

Deadline for submitting photos to the University Post photo competition is in just 2 days time. Don’t miss out on the prizes – upload, send, and win.

Show us something good, and we’ll give you things. What things?

Prizes. That’s why you’re here right? Not content to just send us photos and win, you want prizes. Well we got ‘em.

‘Copenhagen: I never saw that before’ is the theme of our competition. We did consider that we’d have to add a ton of disclaimers to this title, or we might get a ton of submissions that were not fit for uploading. But we deemed it worth the risk!

The rules are easy – send your photo to us with a one sentence photo caption or description with your name to as soon as possible. Deadline is Sunday 13 December.

The prizes:
First prize
2x CPH Cards from the tourism agency Wonderful Copenhagen.

They give you 72 hours of free, full access to nearly every attraction in Copenhagen, plus all public transport. If you’re energetic, that’s essentially saving a month’s worth of a part-time student job’s wages right there.

Second prize
2x tickets to the film Avatar.

It’s quite possibly the most expensive film ever made, but Twentieth Century Fox aren’t telling. What we know for sure is: It took 14 years to make, it’s James Cameron’s first film in a decade, Sigourney Weaver’s first film about aliens for a while, and definitely the most expensive film to watch in Danish cinemas.

The deadline is nigh

So get sending!

We’ll publish all the best photos on a gallery on The winners will be decided by referees. Winners will be notified on 15 December.

By taking part, you accept that the University Post may publish the photo with your name as byline.
