University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Prestigious award to computer science professor

Neil Jones recognised as a pioneer in programming language methods. Gets one of the most distinguished prizes in computer science

A former professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen has been awarded the prestigious ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award.

The award, which along with the Turing Award is considered Computer Science’s equivalent to the Nobel Prize, was awarded to professor emeritus Neil Jones at SIGPLAN’s conference in Edinburgh earlier this week.

It was awarded for his significant and lasting contribution to the field of programming languages.

Workshop in his honour

In his nomination, he was emphasized as a pioneer in programming language methods, for example the introduction of a form of analysis known today as ‘Jones optimality’.

The Department of Computer Science will be hosting a workshop in titled “Workshop in Honor of Neil D. Jones: Programs as Data” on Monday June 16 from 12-18.

All interested parties are invited to register here.

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