University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Putin: Denmark is intolerant, xenophobic

DANISH NEWS: Russian President Vladimir Putin deflected criticism in Brussels, Tuesday, in a 153-page report highly critical of the EU - and Denmark’s - record on human rights, report media

The report, compiled by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said human rights were regularly violated in the EU and the ‘hypocritical policy on entry to the EU violates the right to freedom of movement’, reports and

“The European Union has created artificial barriers to entry to its territory, which violate individual rights to freedom of movement and have particularly negative consequences for the Roma and asylum seekers,” the report said, naming Denmark as a country that has ‘major problems with refugees and an intolerance towards immigrants’.

The report states: “Danish and international human rights activists have repeatedly stated that there are major problems with respect for human rights, freedoms and democratic norms in ‘perfect Denmark’”.

Xenophobia and anti-semitism

The role played by the Danish People’s Party is also emphasised: “A party that is always willing to whip up a xenophobic mood and whose leaders constantly criticise the government for failing to restrict immigration.”

The report also notes ‘tension between Jews and Muslims in Denmark’ where there were ’37 incidents of anti-Semitism in 2012’.

Link to article in Danish here.

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