University Post
University of Copenhagen
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Readers to Bjørn: Give Siri a second chance

Alone on the ice skating rink earlier this week after Siri's no-show was no fun. But should he give her a second chance?

They were supposed to go ice skating hand in hand for the Christmas Crush calendar. But when Bjørn, 23, International Business and Politics student had waited 25 long minutes with no sign of Siri, 28, designer, he started to try and fathom the cruel reality: he was being stood up.

In the recent article about the romantic encounter gone wrong, readers could vote on how Bjørn should position himself.

Many of the readers, recognizing Bjørn’s combination of raw masculinity and intellectuel sensitivity, voted that Bjørn should just move on with his life and instead go on a date with one of them. Bjørn, there are 19 votes and counting to choose from!

Second chance

Others take a more distanced point of view and vote that Bjørn deserves a date with another cute girl. (But not them apparently).

Lastly, and more importantly, 24 per cent demand to hear Siri’s excuse for not showing up, but a winning 32 per cent are all in favour of second chances, no strings attached, and think that they should go for it one more time.

The readers have spoken. It is now up to Bjørn to decide. Stay tuned.

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