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Culpably bouncy — So, for no other reason than the fact that it's good, here is the music video that the tutors from The Faculty of Law have produced as a welcome gift to their new fellow students.
Kom med mig, boy/ (Come with me, boy)
Find mig på floor/ (Find me on floor)
Du gør mig crazy in law (You make me crazy in law)
This new tune (Danish lyrics, some English in the mix) by
As it turns out, the UCPH law students have been producing music videos for years, always publishing them at the beginning of the fall semester. This is their way of acquainting new students with the faculty spirit. The 2013-16 playlist contains a couple of serious bangers (find them in their Youtube feed).
The other years’ songs are mostly about celebrating the power of money in an ironic, slightly sexually aggressive way, and, naturally, about crushing opponents with legal paragraphs. Perhaps this year’s song has a more inclusive and non-penile perspective than tradition proscribes (at least we, here at The University Post, think so).
It’s bodacious.
Any one else doing something similar at UCPH?