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Fundamental building blocks of plant life exposed at new centre, DynaMo. Follow their daily work in our gallery
Just opened in 2012, the Center of Excellence for Dynamic Molecular Interactions (DynaMo) is looking into some of the most fundamental biological questions using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress).
Arabidopsis was the first plant to be completely genetically sequenced, and it is used as a model system in plant science.
Results of research into this plant are used in the fields of synthetic biology, medicine and sustainable agriculture.
According to Bente Faurby, who is the Center Manager at DynaMo, the plant’s defence mechanisms against insects and parasites are interesting.
»In one project, the DynaMo researchers are trying to insert the genes responsible for the natural defence compounds found in Arabidopsis into potatoes,« she explains.
»It is fundamental research, and it is about how the higher order of structure in biology is obtained. The practical applications are spin offs from this fundamental research,« Bente Faurby says.
(Photos by Kimbery von Wettstein, captions also by Bente Faurby.)
See also an earlier interview with John Mundy, a leading Copenhagen scientist about Arabidopsis here.
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