University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Social activist to speak about sex selection in India

Social activist Dr. Sabu George talked to the University Post before he will discuss girl child issues and female foeticide in India at UCPH Thursday

Sabu George has 30 years of experience working on female foeticide, female infanticide, and the malnutrition and neglect of female children. He is based in New Delhi and has published research on child nutrition and sex selection, organized public action, created jurisprudence through litigation, initiated media sensitization efforts, and been persistent in the implementation of the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act in India.

To the University Post he says he will be discussing the current state of girl child issues and female foeticide in India, in juxtaposition with Scandinavia.

“Nordic countries and South Asian countries are the two extremes. Scandinavian countries were the earliest to talk about abuse of abortions to reduce population. In the Indian community, it’s a genocide; between 5 and 6 million girls have been aborted over the last decade,” Sabu George says to the University Post.

Scandinavia ahead in cervical cancer screening

As a result of female foeticide and infanticide, there is a deficit of women for marriage, leading to great generational consequences. Women are bought, the level of violence against women has increased, and in some cases, one woman is shared amongst men, leading to higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases and higher risk of cervical cancer.

“Scandinavia is very advanced; it’s remarkable that even before we knew what caused cervical cancer, they were still doing a lot of screenings. This is a great opportunity to learn and bring that knowledge back to India,” he says.

Dr. Sabu George will be speaking in an open debate held by the University of Copenhagen’s School of Global Health and the Sexual and Reproductive Health Working Group. The event will be held at 16:00-18:00 Thursday October 8 at the Centre for Health and Society (CSS) and is open to all, but registration is required for logistical reasons. See sign up and details in fact box upper right.

After speaking at the University of Copenhagen, Sabu George will spend a few weeks at Lund University, speaking to students and collaborating with faculty.

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