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Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Sun and freedom — For the second year in a row, the Spring Festival was held at full swing in the Universitetsparken – and it even had the summer sun towering in the sky. See the pictures from the party.
The wind jackets and scarves from last year were replaced with short garb and red necks, as the Spring Festival rocked again.
Students and staff lounged under the summer sun, with seas of beer coming forth from the draught dispensers, as names such as Veto, Benal and The Savage Rose brought out singing and frisky hips in front of the festival’s stages.
The afternoon was still young when the University Post held the UCPH-quiz in the cool ‘Det Fede Telt’ where the correct answers were celebrated with drunken roars.
“We are very satisfied. There was a good atmosphere and a lot of people, and it seemed as if there was a broad interest both in the music programme and the new activities,” says festival organiser and director of the Studenterhuset Jacob Ørum, and references the PseudoScience Slam and the football match between employees and students.
The figures back him up: Where the festival last year had about 13,000 visitors, about 16,000 UCPH staff and students went through the gates into the Universitetsparken this year.
The work will only start later this week. We need to sleep this off.
Jacob Ørum, festival organizer and director, Studenterhuset
“Last year we were challenged by the fact that the festival had been cancelled in 2016, but this year we noticed that it was easier for us to recruit volunteers and get our messages out. It means a lot that the UCPH staff and students remember the experience from last year and recommend the festival to each other,” Ørum says.
The result was that the volunteer team was already in place one month before the start of the festival – unlike last year, when the festival made a comeback in the Universitetsparken after it was cut in 2016 in favour of a smaller Studenterhuset version.
Jacob Ørum says that the Spring Festival now enjoys strong support from UCPH management, and that the work on next year’s festival will already begin in the coming weeks. The vision?: To strengthen the UCPH community, not just at the festival, but also in the weeks and months that precede it.
“The work on this will only start later this week however. We need to sleep this off.”
Go Go Berlin: