University Post
University of Copenhagen
Independent of management


Staff offered one months extra pay to leave

University board passes budget that will mean cutting 130 jobs. Affected staff will get to January to consider going voluntarily

Staff at the University of Copenhagen are being offered extra severance pay if they leave voluntarily. This is clear after the board of directors of the University of Copenhagen passed a 2010 budget that will mean a 130 staff reduction.

This is after pressure from union representatives on the board. DKK 15 million has been put aside for one months extra pay to volunteers giving up their job.

More humane

»This will make things a bit more humane,« concluded Rector Ralf Hemmingsen.

Chairman of the board Nils Strandberg Pedersen, added that staff now are to be informed of this option, and that they therefore will have the Christmas break to mull things over before making a decision.

See article on demonstrations protesting the cutbacks at the board meeting Thursday.
