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A student blockade will completely shut down the Faculty of Humanities and The Royal School of Library Science in response to reform plans. Employees told to work from home
With warm winter coats and tons of Danish pastry, angry students are currently blockading the Faculty of Humanities and The Royal School of Library Science.
The blockade is organized by the group ‘Nok er nok – vrede humanister’ (Enough is enough – angry humanities students) to protest the proposed student reforms. The students of Humanities has been in particular focus for a speed up, as they have the slowest average graduation times.
The students plan to stay until 16:00 and will discuss what an acceptable reform looks like. Employees are shut out, classes shut down, but the library is still accessible to students, the organizers write on their Facebook page.
During the blockade, a number of events will take place on KUA2, including debates and talks by lecturers, writers and students. See the program here Also The Royal School of Library Science are hosting events, find out more here.
The so-called Study Progress Reform may be postponed for a year, after the Minister of Education conceded to University and student demands. See the University Post report on the postponement here, But the blockade is going on anyway.
University of Copenhagen (UCPH) employees, including administrators and educators, have critized the proposed reforms, and UCPH management – in an open letter to the government – has declared that the reforms are hard to implement under such short notice .
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