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1165 København K
Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
Stories of sexism, drinking and crazy initiation rituals, a global #metoo movement and a set of guidelines on how to deal with offensive behaviour made the University of Copenhagen the centre of a stormy debate last year.
For several months, a man called Anne up and shared his sexual fantasies about what he and Anne's male colleagues at the University of Copenhagen would do to her. And it did not stop there.
The University of Copenhagen’s guidelines for handling offensive behaviour have been the subject of great debate recently. A new study of the psychological work environment concludes that more than 300 employees have been victims of bullying and harassment in the past year.
Students on the sociology programme at the University of Copenhagen say they are being forced to offend minority groups in a compulsory course where they act out excerpts from a book about life in a poor American city area. The head of the study programme defends the subject’s methodology.
Is there a culture of victimhood at the University of Copenhagen? Oh, yes. But what this means is a lot harder to get a hold on. As no one wants to be the offended party.
Management at the Faculty of Law have expressly forbidden theme parties where new students dress up like Mexicans, Olympic athletes of different nationalities, and theologians. But you are welcome to dress up as ‘rich kids' and high achievers.