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The teaching quality of online classes is lower than in-person teaching, according to several studies. But this is not reflected in students' grades. Not surprising, says associate professor Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.
University lecturers were hard hit by the switch to online teaching in 2020. International survey points to higher workloads for teaching staff, and a perception that online teaching is not sustainable.
Try to enjoy the procrastinating and the delaying. And do a marathon reading session with your study group on FaceTime — advice from an expert in digital communication.
Many students never turn on the camera for their online courses. But this can be detrimental to students' social relations and well-being, and it negatively affects instructors' motivation.
Vary the teaching, follow-up questions on how students feel, be available. Danish youth well-being group unpacks five ideas for lecturers to get the distance learning working.