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1165 København K
Tlf: 35 32 28 98 (mon-thurs)
E-mail: uni-avis@adm.ku.dk
The University of Copenhagen is about to cut admissions to the Faculty of Humanities by a quarter as a result of the government's relocation plan. But this is just the latest jaw-dropping development in a decade of bad news for the humanities. See the timeline here.
The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) stands to lose DKK 13 million a year with a new grant distribution policy. This is a loss that UCPH can live with. Far worse, says the rector, is the continued annual two per cent grant cut, the risk of increased bureaucracy, and that politicians are now meddling with the inner workings of the university.
The University of Copenhagen is to get more funding through a change of the so-called taximeter system, according to the Danish government. But the university does not understand the underlying calculations.